
Robby Krieger


Released in 2010

The album was mentioned and played in a JazzrockTV episode. Check our this epiosde for the full coverage: JazzrockTV #21 Grammy Nominees 2011.
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Discogs Album Info:

1: Russian Caravan Intro
Flamenco Guitar: Robby Krieger
Written-By: Robby Krieger

2: Russian Caravan
Acoustic Bass: Kevin Brandon
Arranged By [Horn Arrangemeny By]: Arthur Barrow
Drums: Vinnie Colaiuta
Engineer: Arthur Barrow
Flamenco Guitar, Electric Guitar: Robby Krieger
Organ: Tommy Mars
Percussion: Erik Leckrone
Piano: Arthur Barrow
Saxophone, Flute: Larry Klimas
Trombone: Bruce Fowler (3)
Trumpet: Sal Marquez
Trumpet, Flugelhorn: Walt Fowler
Written-By: Arthur Barrow, Robby Krieger

3: Southern Cross
Bass: Arthur Barrow
Drums: Richie Hayward
Keyboards: Tommy Mars
Slide Guitar: Robby Krieger
Written-By: Arthur Barrow, Robby Krieger

4: Event Horizon Intro
Flamenco Guitar: Robby Krieger
Written-By: Robby Krieger

5: Event Horizon
Acoustic Bass, Electric Bass [Warwick 7 String Electric Bass]: Brandino (2)
Arranged By: Kevin Brandon
Arranged By [Woodwind And Horn Arrangemeny By]: Brandino (2)
Band [The Brandino Woodwind & Horn Section], Flute: Thomas Stones
Band [The Brandino Woodwind & Horn Section], Tenor Saxophone: Albert Wing
Band [The Brandino Woodwind & Horn Section], Trombone: Eric Jorgensen
Band [The Brandino Woodwind & Horn Section], Trumpet, Contractor [Horn Contractor]: Sal Cracchiolo
Drums: Steve Stephens
Engineer: George Radai
Guitar [All Guitars], Soloist [All Solos]: Robby Krieger
Piano, Keyboards, Synth [Using iK Multimedia Virtual Synths]: Milcho Leviev
Producer: Brandino (2), Robby Krieger
Woodwind, Horns: The Brandino Woodwind & Horn Section
Written-By: Arthur Barrow, Robby Krieger

6: Coffin Dodger
Bass, Keyboards: Arthur Barrow
Drums: Richie Hayward
Guitar: Robby Krieger
Organ: Tommy Mars
Percussion: Erik Leckrone
Written-By: Arthur Barrow, Robby Krieger

7: Trane Running Late
Bass, Rhythm Guitar: Arthur Barrow
Drums: Owen Goldman
Guitar: Robby Krieger
Organ: Tommy Mars
Percussion: Erik Leckrone
Saxophone: Larry Klimas
Written-By: Arthur Barrow, Robby Krieger

8: Let It Slide
Arranged By: Kevin Brandon
Bass, Keyboards: Arthur Barrow
Drums: Richie Hayward
Guitar: Robby Krieger
Organ: Tommy Mars
Written-By: Arthur Barrow, Robby Krieger

9: Solar Wind
Bass: Tony Franklin
Drums: Gregg Bissonette
Engineer: Marco Moir
Guitar: Robby Krieger
Keyboards: Dale Alexander
Producer: Robby Krieger
Saxophone: Gary Meek
Written-By: Dale Alexander, Robby Krieger

10: House Of Bees
Bass, Clarinet: Arthur Barrow
Drums, Percussion: Andy Kravitz
Electric Piano: Tommy Mars
Guitar: Robby Krieger
Percussion: Erik Leckrone
Saxophone, Flute: Larry Klimas
Written-By: Arthur Barrow, Robby Krieger


Engineer: Marco Moir
Engineer [All Songs Engineered By]: Arthur Barrow
Engineer [Recording Engineer]: Brandino (2), George Radai, Michael Gunderson, Robby Krieger
Layout [Package Layout], Artwork: Dave Guerrie
Management [Robby Krieger Managed By]: TVM Management
Mastered By: Bob Rice
Mixed By: Arthur Barrow, Brandino (2), George Radai, Robby Krieger
Painting [Cover Art Original Painting]: Robby Krieger
Photography By [Robby Krieger Photo]: Joel Lopez (2)
Producer: Robby Krieger


A release packaged in a jewel case with clear tray and golding out 6-page booklet.
Cat. # '89160-2' is on the CD surface only.

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