

To Obscurity And Beyond

Released in 2009

The album was mentioned and played in a JazzrockTV episode. Check our this epiosde for the full coverage: JazzrockTV #122 Soul & Funk.
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Discogs Album Info:

1: ... the launch
2: Spyplane
Written-By: Joe Scatassa

3: Waste Management
Lead Vocals, Written-By: Matt Iselin
Written-By: Joe Scatassa

4: Me And My TV
Written-By: Bill Richards (5)

5: Dance Of The Wild Koba
Written-By: Joe Scatassa

6: The Curse
Trombone: Rick Trolsen
Written-By: Joe Scatassa

7: ... could this be the end?
8: Redemption
Bass Clarinet: Ronnie Cuber
Written-By: Joe Scatassa

9: Everything
Lead Vocals: Michael Taylor (19)
Written-By: Joe Scatassa

10: Zero Hour
Written-By: Dan Asher (2), Jason Isaac (2), Joe Scatassa, Matt Iselin

11: Escape From Rome
Percussion: Mark Teofilo
Written-By: Joe Scatassa


Backing Vocals: Andree Dupepe, Bill Richards (5), Carol Thomas (2), Sarah Gromko
Baritone Saxophone: Ronnie Cuber
Bass: Dan Asher (2)
Drums, Percussion, Engineer: Jason Isaac (2)
Engineer: David Brouillette, Jared Horowitz, Rob Granniss, Ryan Ball
Guitar, Producer, Arranged By, Written-By: Joe Scatassa
Keyboards: Matt Iselin
Mastered By: Jennifer Munson
Mixed By: Mike Bloom
Percussion: Seth Moutal
Photography By: Amelia D'Entrone, David Kobayashi
Photography By, Design: Jay Rogers (2)
Tenor Saxophone: Justin Flynn (2)
Trombone: Rafi Malkiel
Trumpet: Jeff Pierce


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